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Why Is It Wise To Leave Garage Demolition Chicago, IL To Professionals

If you are considering a home remodel or upgrade, it may well be time to also tack on a garage renovation as well.  Homeowners who consider doing major renovations themselves are often daunted by the task of any interior demolition, including the garage demolition. Therefore, this type of task may be best left to the best professional demolition contractors Chigaco has to offer.

Ensuring a Safe and Secure Garage Demolition

Garage demolition is no straightforward task, surely not as easy as using your sledgehammer to knock down some walls.  Careful planning and preparation are key prior to any interior demolition. Without prior experience, a garage demolition may be one of the most dangerous home projects. Significant injuries are not uncommon, with many moving parts such as garage doors that may be carelessly taken apart and inadvertently fall on unsuspecting body parts.

Professional demolition contractors Chicago ensure to address the following prior to and during any garage demolition:

  • Obtain the required permits
  • Ensure all utilities are property shut off
  • Roofing shingles are removed
  • Siding is properly taken apart
  • Drywall is removed in an orderly fashion
  • Windows are cleanly pulled out
  • Garage door taken apart and removed properly
  • The concrete slab was safely broken up

The focus and order of these tasks would depend on a number of issues pertaining to the garage, such as:

  • Garage size
  • If the garage is attached or detached
  • Building material used

One of the most crucial aspects of garage demolition Chicago is to have the structure carefully inspected prior to any work for dangers such as asbestos or lead paint.  In these instances, the hazards would need to be safely removed by professional garage demolition contractors before the interior demolition can begin.

If you are considering a garage demolition, get in touch with D&D Garage Demolition as soon as possible for the highest level of professional demolition contractors Chicago has to offer.